Monday, 26 September 2011

Screen Shot. Shawshank Redemption

This screen shot is an extreme close up on the character. His face shows concern and it looks like he is in shock, this is shown by his facial expression and how he is stood up. It also shows a slight high angle and looks down on him, this displays that he is unimportant to the judge or people surrounding him.

I like this image because it displays a high angled shot which shows that he is low in power and is being put on trial, this is done by the camera looking down on the character who is singled out in the middle of the room. This shot also shows a long shot as well as the angle shot which sets the scene and highlights that he is in a serious court case.

This long shot is used well in this image to set the scene, it shows that the film is going to be set in a massive prison with hundreds of people locked up there. This long shot is also good because it shows to everyone how basic a prison is and that there is very little to do there. This shot also looks like there is very little colour in the picture which represents a dull/boring prison

I like this shot because it shows how insignificant the prisoners are whilst they are in the prison. This shot shows a gaurd punching one of the prisoners in the stomach, this shows that the gaurds treat the prisoners like dirt, but it also highlights that one gaurd has a lot more power than the hundreds of prisoners in the prison.

This shot is really good because it really shows how dominant the prison gaurds are whilst they are doing their jobs. The low angled shot looks up to the gaurds showing their power and also the fact that they are carrying weapons shows their significance compared to the prisoners. I also like how the gaurds are patroling as a group past all of the cells to scare the prisoners, which makes them behave. The way the gaurds are in a group shows gives off a message to the prisoners that they are very powerful and that they aren't to be messed with.

The Shawshank Redemption opening

Friday, 23 September 2011

Hitman Screen Shot

I like this shot because the tattoo tells a story about this man before you even watch the film. The tattoo resembles strength and it shows that he is part of a special group of people. The actual tattoo explains his background and how he grew up. It shows that he has been brought up differently, maybe in an enviroment where there are lots of gangs and he has found himself in one himself.

I like this shot because it shows a close up of someone being watched. The sensor on the gun that is being used changes the colour of the target and really makes the man stand out from the crowd. I like the high angled camera shot because it looks down on the man and shows that he is vulnerable as he could easily be taken out.

This shot really lets the audience know that this character is one of the most important characters in the film. This is done by the low angled camera shot looking up at his face. He also looks as if he is in a very serious mood which is represented by his facial expressions as well as the way he is dressed up in a suit.

I like this shot because it is taken from a side angle and fits more people into the picture. This is a great image as it shows the Hitman slowly raising his gun in the direction of the two bad guys, this is done really well as the two men have no idea that someone is behind them and about to kill them.

I really like this because it shows the Hitman's dominance in the whole film in just one shot. What makes him look so powerful in this shot is that he is holding a machine gun in each hand and no one is around him, which makes us think that he has killed everyone himself. The way in which he is smartly dressed character really shows a professional side to him as a character and gets his business done in the best way possible. 

Hitman movie opening

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Screen Shot

I like this shot because it shows that a police investigation is going on after what looks like a murder has taken place. The low angled camera shot is used here looking up at the police line to really show that an important investigation is going on and for people to be aware that the police are there.

This image represents death and horror. The skelleton and bones around it reveal a horror genre involving lots of deaths. I like this shot of the skelleton and the glasses because it resembles a murder and it gets you intreged therefore you want to find out more about the killing, so you want to keep watching.

This shot is interesting as the long shot used sets the scene and shows a dead body lying on the floor with people examining it. This looks to be the murder scene where the police have taken over and have began to do their investigation.

This shot is fascinating as it shows a close up on parts of an old skelleton. This image really tells the audience that there is going to be lots of deaths in the film, which for some, makes them keep on watching to see how these deaths occured. The black and white effects used makes the skelleton look alot older and more scary to look at.

I like this shot as it now shows the scientifc part of the police investigation into the murder. The close ups on the evidence that the police have shows that the murderer is close to being found. Again the black and white effects that are used make the pieces of evidence look more fascinating as more detail is shown in the image.

What i like about this shot is that it looks like the police have taken another step forward in their investigation as they have now found more evidence which was used in the murder. I like the fact that they have used a chainsaw as it makes the shot more gruesome which is also helped with the black and white background effect.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 Part 1

Kill List Screen Shots

This shot shows that the main character in this scene is the man in the middle, this is done by having him a few steps infront of his two workers. The way in which they are dressed reveals that the man in the middle is the boss and gets his two men to do the dirty work for him. His facial expressions are seen as him to be both serious but also cocky. The cocky facial expression shows a degree of confidence as if he is about to finish off a job.

This shot is good because the long camera shot shows the audience who the important people are in this scene. The low angled shot looking up at the men also show that they have some significance in this film as they look like they are about to do a job for their boss.

This shot is interesting because the close up on the money is seen to be the main focus point in this scene. The way in which the man is pushing the money towards someone shows that they are being persuaded into doing a job for someone with a greater significance to them. They way in which the man with the money is suited up also shows that he is a man who means business.

This shot is interesting as it shows one man kicking down a door whilst his partner in crime is on guard checking that no one is around. The fact that they are kicking down a door makes them look like the bad guys in the film, but also the way that they are dressed in all black clothing makes them look even more suspect and harmful.
I like this image because it really makes this character stand out and tells the audience his importance in this film. This is mainly done by the low camera shot looking up at him as he walks through the field. Again he is wearing all black clothing which shows that he can be a dangerous person. His face also gives off a sense of confusion which is given off from expressions from both his eyes and mouth.

Tryannosaur Screen Shot

I like this shot as it shows both frustration and anger in the characters face. It looks like he is focused on somthing that is disturbing him and he wants to react to it. I also like the fact that there is a young child in the background who looks shocked at what is going on infront of him.

This shot shows both hatred and pain in the mans face. The blood on his head represents the pain and the facial expression he is pulling represents hatred. This image reveals that the film will contain lots of violence which makes you want to watch on to see what happens and why he has so much anger built up inside him.

This shot tells alot from the characters facial expressions. He looks very calm, but you can see that he is very angry inside. The fact that he is lying against a gate and has a big cut in his head states that he is a man who gets himself into trouble, but always gets his revenge.

Here this shot shows that the character may be getting his revenge or he is showing his frustration, but in doing so he is causing more trouble by smashing a shop window with a brick.

Again this shot shows the character getting himself into more trouble as he is about to punch someone in the head from behind. These shots show that this man is a bit loose as he gets himself into lots of punch ups. We don't know why he is getting into these situations, but it is clear to the audience that he is a character with a lot of frustration stored up inside him.

This shot again shows more violence on behalf of this character. The big hammer in his hand reveals that he is about to smash somthing up again to get rid of some of the frustration inside him. These shots reveal that the film is going to be packed with violence with this character being in the middle of it all.

Screen shot Green Street Hooligans

This image shows hatred in their faces as they are having a verbal argument with their rivals. The man in the middle is seen to be the leader within his group of friends, this is shown from the camera directly facing him and cutting out the other two men. 

I like this shot because it shows a low angle shot looking up to the hooligans as they make their way up the stairs. They look as if they are about to go and cause trouble from the way that they run up the stairs and also from what they are wearing. They all come across as looking like thugs with their full tracksuits on, looking hard.

I like this shot because it shows an innocent man waiting for a train being disturbed by this group of thugs kicking bottles around and making lots of noise. It makes the man feel insecure and dangered. You can see this in the way the man puts down his paper and glances at the hooligans.

I really like this camera shot as it blurs out the enemies and shows more of the main characters in this film. It also reveals to the audience which side is more important as the blurred out group of hooligans are made smaller in this camera shot, showing their insignificance.  

This shot is interesting as it shows the 'good' hooligans beating up the 'bad' hooligans out in the middle of the street. The blood on the characters face reveals that this film is going to contain lots of violence which keeps the audience entertained so they keep watching.

This shot shows a man getting his head smashed through a window, what i like about this image is that it really sums up the way in which football hooligans fight and how much pain they want to make each other feel. I really like this camera shot from under the window because it captures the full effect of the glass smashing, which makes it more entertaing  for people to watch.

Final Destination Screen shots

I like this screen shot because the blood effects over the film title reveal the films genre before you have to watch anymore of the introduction. 

This shot shows a physically inflicted death as there is a ladder going through someone's head and it just makes you want to keep watching to see how this occurred. Deaths like these grab your attention and make you want to find out how they happen

The image shows an x-ray of a skull with nails impaled into it. This shows that someone has been brutally killed, the nails represent pain and the skull represents death, this leads us on to believing that the films genre is going to be a horror.

This is another interesting shot as it shows a car breaking into the bones and spinning around inside a skeleton. This is also good as it relates well with the film in general and the x-ray effect also makes you wonder what goes on inside your body.

What i like about this screen shot is the falling knife cutting through the bones like a dagger. It is seen to be an accident as the knife has fallen onto the body, but it makes you wonder why the body is there and why the knife has fallen from the table.

This screen shot shows a pole stuck in a persons head, but what is interesting is that the person is still stood up so we don't know how the pole has entered the skull.